B Corp Climate Collective in AUNZ

Hello! We are proud to announce the creation of the AU/NZ B Corp Climate Collective (BCCC)! The BCCC is a group of Certified B Corporations working together to take action on the climate emergency. We recognise the unique and powerful role that we play, as purpose-driven businesses, to reverse climate change. We are working to identify concrete steps to accelerate climate mitigation. We work collectively, as individual companies, and through cross-sector collaboration and public advocacy.

There are 5 Climate Action Groups focused on tackling:

  • Government advocacy
  • Consumer campaigns
  • Enabling businesses to reduce emissions
  • Creating a circular economy in interior design and fit-out industry
  • Engaging employees on climate awareness and action.

To read more about the objectives, activities and timelines of each Climate Action Working Group above, please click here.

If you would like to join or learn more about any of the working groups, please express your interest here.

We look forward to taking climate action with you!


Oops, please use this link to sign up for BCCC news and Action Groups: https://forms.gle/WL5v4t3DNfzMHzsJ7

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As part of its Government Advocacy activities, the BCCC is supporting WWF’s renewable recovery campaign.

Lend your voice too as a business supporter: fill out this form to opt-in, provide your company logo and a short statement to be profiled on WWF’s renewable recovery webpage and used in the media.

The BCCC will also be in touch shortly to coordinate a joint B Corp communication plan.


Hey team! The B Corp Climate Collective is officially launched in our region, and we have an exciting opportunity for B Corps in Australia.

I met with Sasha - the Collective’s Chair - for a quick zoom chat about the BCCC and why they’re supporting a climate campaign with WWF.

Learn more about the campaign here, and sign your B Corp up using this form!


Hi all B Corps, whether you have already pledged to achieve Net Zero by 2030, or if you are still considering… this event is for you!

Join your fellow B Corps in ANZ for the #TEDxBCorp Countdown “Let’s Get To Zero!” ACTION Parties, where we will:

  • learn about what others are doing on their journey to Net Zero,
  • connect with others who might have similiar roadblock
  • collaborate to overcome challenges together

We hope to see you on 15 October 2020, 1PM - 2:30PM AEST


Last week the B Global Task Force, along with ​Gonzalo Muñoz, Christiana Figueres and Paul Polman, addressed the Global B Corp community in this inspiring “Let’s Get To Zero” webinar on B Corp Net Zero by 2030 Ambitions and the #RaceToZero. Get a global overview of climate actions beyond B Corp, the momentum that is building and what’s to come from B Lab and regional BCCCs (B Corp Climate Collectives). I walked away feeling proud being part of this community and energised to take action in our #RaceToZero.

Worth a watch here

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Zali Steggall OAM MP is writing a letter to Commonwealth Parliamentarians (see attached) in support of the Climate Change Bill. If you’re interested in showing your support for the bill by signing the letter, please fill out this form by 4PM AEST today!

Joint letters to Members of Parliament - sharing copy.pdf (130.3 KB)