Kiwi B Corps and the NZ election

Kia ora Kiwi B Corps!
With the New Zealand general election coming up on the 14th Oct, we are keen to hear how our Kiwi B Corps are responding or engaging in advocating for the needs of people, the planet and communities.

Influencing the systems and structures underpinning our economy is one of the ways we enact our theory of change. We recognise that our movement has an opportunity and a role to play in influencing policy on all sides of government as we move towards our vision for an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy.

Is your B Corp engaging in events, advocacy, conversations or other activities in the lead-up to the election? We’ll be distributing a Movement News newsletter later in September and we are keen to share diverse insights and perspectives from B Corps in Aotearoa New Zealand. Please post here for all to see, or feel free to contact me directly

Ngā mihi,


Kia ora Angie
We’re doing a few things here that might be of interest (as well as supporting our B Local Tāmaki Makaurau get a political panel event happening)
These include supporting (hybrid paid and pro bono work) the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa to promote their inaugural conference this week, timed to coincide with the unfurling election campaign, and including the launch of a political petition calling for an Economy for the Public Good (which we are founding signatories to). The event sold out a week ahead of time.

I’ve also provided some pro bono support to Dr Jessica Hutchings of the Papawhakaritorito Trust (also a client) for political advocacy media relations about GE and the risks of relaxing regulation as advocated by the leader of the opposition.

GoodSense has also signed up to the Eat New Zealand petition to Fix our Food System which is being run alongside the election campaign.

Is that helpful? Ngā mihi nui