B Local Northern Rivers: August + September Catch Ups

It’s been a while since we gathered in March for B Corp month, but we’re back on track with multiple events coming up, and we look forward to seeing everyone!

We have a coffee morning on Wed 23 August, 8am at Barrio.
And an afternoon catch up on Wed 20 September, 3pm hosted by Flow in Newrybar!

Both events are free but we ask that you get a ticket here so we can keep your informed of event info:

We also have an October coffee catch-up, and are plotting end of year drinks in late November.

Please share and invite your colleagues and fellow B Corps. If you’d like to host a B Local Northern Rivers gathering please email us on: northernrivers@bcorp.community

Have a great day and weekend! :sun_with_face:

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Excited to be coming to the event at Flow Ally!

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