Diversity and Inclusion survey templates - best practice

Hiya! I’m drafting a baseline survey for our staff. Wondering if anyone out there’s done this before and would be able to share questions, especially around how we ask racial and cultural background, i.e. how far do you drill down on ABS categories? Do you have a gold standard means of categorising racial/cultural background that’s inclusive and uses appropriate terminology?

Hope this makes sense!

Thank you


I am doing this at the moment.

I personally don’t like ABS categories as they class me as White :joy:

I will email you what I came up with.

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Hi Tobie, I would be interested in this as well if you are happy to share? My email is talia.jenkin@dogandbone.com.au

Hey Lydia and Ttobie!

We used the Culture Amp D&I survey which is free and can be found here, if useful.

We may also have someone from Culture Amp here?

Thanks Alison!

We’re also looking at the Diversity Council Australia’s biennial survey, see here: https://www.dca.org.au/inclusion-at-work-index

Also looking at creating new census for this, if anyone has a document to share would be much appreciated!

Hi @alisonmichalk! @Erin_Tuhanuku and I are about to roll this survey out, but have been told by Culture Amp that we “won’t get access to the full scope of our reporting potential” (after first being incorrectly told we can’t access it at all), but they can’t tell us what that is. I take it you found that the report was useful? Could you still compare to benchmarks?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

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