Hello B Corps!
I’ve been asked a lot lately about how to access a list of B Corps or find other B Corps in your industry and area. This B Corp Community is a good place to start, making posts and sending direct messages to Users (via the top right navigation). You can also make great connections via community events and LinkedIn, but there are other ways you may be interested in too!
The best place to search for B Corps is via our public directory where every B Corp publishes their impact profile.
As a B Corp, you also have access to an internal version of the public directory via the B Hive, which is another online community platform like this one that is mostly used by B Corps in the UK and the US Canada regions.
If you log into the B Hive, and go to the Directory tab in the menu, you can filter and download lists by region, country, industry and so on. You can access the B Hive here and if you don’t already have a login, you can click Join or Forgot Password and follow the prompts.
Enjoy making connections!