Have your say on the next Victorian social enterprise strategy

The Victorian Government wants B Corps’ input to its a renewed Victorian Social Enterprise Strategy beyond 2021.

You can throw an idea onto the ideas wall or put in a full-fledged submission. If you’re thinking of putting in a submission, I’d love to hear if you’d like to work on it together.

@tomjd @Kevin @Alischa @Ebony @DanielleDuell and other social purpose consultants - are you planning on contributing to the review? If so, are you incorporating B Corps into your submissions?

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Hi Anna - Thanks. I hadn’t come across this but would be happy to invest a little bit of time to collaborate on a submission. DD

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Hi everyone,

The B Lab team is seeking B Corps’ input on a submission to the Victorian Government consultations on the social enterprise strategy. If you or someone in your team would like to share your thoughts please reply here. Submissions are due 31st October.
