B Corp Roundtable: Using your business for social change

Over the past few months, more and more businesses have asked me about how our Australian B Corp community is responding to the Voice Referendum. The reality is that it is complex: some of our B Corps have shown public support aligned with their support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart (like Bank Australia and Australian Ethical), while others have been navigating complex stakeholder relationships behind the scenes.

It isn’t simple. Some businesses have First Nations employees and advisors who are against the referendum; some have never used the business’ voice on social issues before. Our community is diverse in many ways, and the Referendum is no different. Regardless of the position your business does (or doesn’t) take, this moment is a significant one for not just First Nations people, but recognising how expectations of business have transformed in recent years. Businesses have realised their power in mobilising employees, customers, clients, and their spheres of influence, and are now trying to understand when and how to use their platforms.

That’s why we’re hosting this B Corp Roundtable with Clothing the Gaps. On 19 September, join us for an intimate online conversation where B Corps can explore what it means to use your business for social change, share what is challenging you, and find support from others who have done this work before.

We hope to see you there. More event details here. Registration is essential. :arrow_right: Using your business for social change: A B Corp Roundtable | Humanitix


This sounds great Kira, look forward to joining!