Whether it’s rethinking your supply chain, better people and culture practices, or more flexible working - what has been your business’ silver lining?
my team have had the option to come back to the office but 90% are happy at home now. And they have started working hours that are better for their flow. our copy writer is now working 6am to 14:00 and getting a heap more done in flow. and a few others are the same.
I wish I was able to work 6am-2pm when I was a copywriter! All my best work came on a fresh brain and with few distractions (people) around. Do you have a day where everyone comes in to meet, or are you fully transitioned to the new world of Zoom meetings?
Having worked entirely remotely since Quiip’s inception 10 years ago we were pretty well-versed in the world of remote work. However I think a lot of Quiipees have been able to (mostly haha) enjoy having partners around.
I’ve really enjoyed seeing clients and other people work from home, with cameos from children, parents and pets. I feel like it’s stripped back the facade we often have in a work environment and reminded us we’re all human and often juggling a lot behind the scenes.
I was on a webinar recently and the host got their 8yo daughter to do the Acknowledgment to Country, and I thought that was beautiful!
Hey sorry for the long delay! we have a weekly meeting that gets 90% attendance and only goes for about 15 minutes. and a monthly AMA that gets 90%+ and goes for an hour. other than that we have a local team lunch open invite on a Tuesday and Thursday that is a lot of fun.