Work Wanted - Experienced Sustainability Coordinator

Hey B Corp-ers,

My name is Megan and I’m on the hunt for work with socially and environmentally conscious businesses!
I am an experienced Sustainability coordinator, well versed in the application and recertification processes with B Corp, as well as Climate Active certification and impact reporting.
If you or someone you know is searching for help in achieving any of the the above, or broader administration and sustainability work, please reach out.

Happy to collaborate on a fixed-term or casual basis :slight_smile:

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Hi Megan - where are you based? Aus or NZ?

Hi Jay, thanks for reaching out.
I’m based in Melbourne, AUS

Ah cool - I probably can’t help much as I’m NZ based, but occassionally non-location specific roles are listed here A lot of big corporates in NZ are looking to hire susty practioners at the moment so it could be worth looking at Seek for NZ roles and enquiring if anyone will accept Australian based applicants. Good luck!

Thanks so much for the suggestion Jay - I’ll check that site out just in case they’re open to a remote worker. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @MeganDonald, not sure if you’re in touch with Talent Nation? They might be able to help

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Hey Megan, we’re looking into Climate Active Certification and might be looking at getting some additional support with this project. Feel free to flick through an email -

Thanks so much Benny, I’ve sent you an email.

Hi Megan - I’ve just posted a job notice as we’re looking for a Sustainability Coordinator.
Please check it out if you’re still looking.

Thanks so much Brooke, will do :slight_smile: