Insights on Aotearoa NZ Sustainability Professionals

Kia ora NZ B Corp Community,

Oxygen Consulting has once again partnered up with Sustainable Business Council, Sustainable Business Network and Auckland University of Technology to launch the 2024 survey which will contribute to the fifth annual Insights on Aotearoa NZ Sustainability Professionals report.

The report will provide five years worth of analysis on the longitudinal trends across the profession - remuneration, diversity, capability development, and wellbeing - alongside a more nuanced picture of three role types within the profession - the Generalist, Specialist and Additional roles. Analysis will include the different remuneration, professional qualifications, competencies and activities managed by these roles, and a deeper look at the capability development requirements - a key risk identified last year.

As a free open-source report, this is really valuable information for sustainability professionals, organisations, recruiters and students alike. The purpose of the research is to help grow the sustainability profession, so the insights gathered are only as good as the inputs!

Therefore, participation is key to developing a representative picture of this growing profession. If your role includes sustainability responsibilities (i.e. addressing social, environmental or economic risks within your organisation), please do take a moment to participate in this anonymous survey. Especially if you have done this before, please do jump in again as the longitudinal trends will be analysed. If you know others in roles with sustainability responsibilities, please do share the survey with them.

The survey can be found here and runs from 7 Feb - 7 Mar 2024.

Thanks in advance, ngā mihi nui