Seeking speaker ideas: Future proofing good work in the face of climate change

Hello B Corps!

I’m supporting our global team with speaker ideas for the next series of the B Lab Forces for Good podcast. The next series will focus on ‘Good Work’.

One of the episodes in the series explores how B Corps are working to address the impacts of climate change to protect workers, particularly those most vulnerable to its effects. Is your B Corp doing great work in this area? Do you have a leader who is an inspiring speaker who can share that story?

The episode description draft is below:

Episode on The Green Transition: How are companies future proofing good work in the face of climate change
In this impactful episode, we explore the critical intersection of sustainability and social equity as we examine how companies are future-proofing their work in the face of climate change. This is critical, both for business survival but also to safeguard workers, especially vulnerable communities in the front line. We highlight innovative practices and policies that ensure a fair and inclusive approach to a green transition.

We are also interested to hear about any B Corps are involved in advocating for policy or regulatory change that would benefit workers.

If you have ideas, please respond below and I’ll be in touch or call me on +61422929450 during business hours.
Thank you,


Hi Angie, I would be interested in coming on the podcast to talk about circular economy in product design. Is that something that would be of interest to you? If so, please send me an email Warmest, Jessie

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