Innovative child-care/school hol solutions for staff

We’ve always worked remotely at Quiip so this gets a little harder, but I’m posting more out of curiosity.
Does your company do anything cool when it comes to supporting working parents?

I recently read that Stone & Wood pay $5000 to staff returning from parental leave to help with childcare costs which is fab.

I also found out a client of ours (a large insurance company) has an in-house school holiday program where you bring your kids with you to work and they have carers/teachers who put on a program within a designated space of the building. It’s subsidised by the company and the staff pay a fee per child but it works out cheaper than traditional school holiday care.

We’re still really struggling with this as a society yet back in the 1970s Patagonia had the foresight to provide a child-care centre for free. Vincent Stanley said he got asked about the ROI of the childcare and he said - what’s the ROI on your carpark? :heart_eyes:


Nice thread! We really don’t do anything fab other than paid gender neutral parental leave and a few other nuts and bolts that go along with that. Since we’ve worked remotely though and are moving to more of an output model, our parents have been able to manage their time better to suit family needs, for example I spoke to one of my team yesterday who was sitting working away while her kids were at gymnastics, pre Covid she’d have been in the office and her parents would have taken her kids to their class. So it’s a move forward in the right direction but plenty more we can do.